Welcome to our podcast, where we delve into the heart of Brokenness – addressing discouragement, the spirit of depression, and the prevalence of mental illness in our lives. As hosts, we’ve experienced these challenges firsthand and witnessed their impact on those around us.
Inspired and led by the spirit of God, we’ve felt compelled to put together this podcast. Our aim is to explore the depths of Brokenness, offering insights, encouragement, and a path towards healing.
As we witness the rise of Brokenness among not just adults but also the younger generation, it becomes imperative to redefine and understand the true nature of mental health challenges . The term “mental illness” often falls short in capturing the essence of Brokenness, a condition that can manifest in various ways.
What is Brokenness, you may ask? If we were to define it, we’d turn to the Bible for guidance. In our exploration, we draw from the wisdom of Jesus Christ and other Biblical sources, seeking to unravel the profound concept of Brokenness and its implications on the human soul.
Join us on this podcast journey as we navigate the complexities of Brokenness, offering a perspective rooted in faith, compassion, and a genuine desire to bring healing to the broken souls of our time.
The Reality Of Brokenness
Brokenness is a prevalent condition that affects us all. In a world where over 50 million Americans and one in five Canadians are grappling with Brokenness, the need for understanding and healing has never been more apparent. Statistics reveal the pervasive nature of this issue, commonly termed as mental illness. Yet, we prefer to recognize it simply as Brokenness, a soul-deep struggle that affects countless lives.
At some point we’ll all face the complexity of a broken place. Brokenness is complicated because we are often wounded with scars we cannot see. These scars bruise us quite deeply, yet we cannot see them to tend to them. Those who have battled with brokenness will tell you of the great depravity that can be experienced. Nonetheless there is hope. The good thing going for us in our hurt is that there is healing through the grace of God. When we know this we are twice more prepared to be made whole. As we are broken we must consider that God is near to the broken hearted. The scripture tells us that He saves those who are crushed in spirit. This means that our wounds will never be left unattended as we walk with God and trust His guidance.
Maybe you are walking through a broken place. Be encouraged. You are the reason why Jesus Christ came to the earth. He came to heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds. Are your wounds bleeding? Don’t be discouraged. As you trust God He will give you beauty for your ashes. The truth is that God can turn the mess of a broken place into a message that transcends time. Christ Himself has taught us about the horror of a broken place. He has also shown us that when we endure our cross we will be rewarded with a crown.
The current landscape is inundated with so-called solutions, promising relief for the soul’s ailments. However, as we navigate through various avenues, we often find them lacking in true efficacy. Many seem driven by a desire to capitalize on people’s vulnerabilities rather than offering genuine healing.
Believing in the Living God, the Creator of the soul, we embark on this podcast journey with a conviction that the One who made the soul is also capable of mending it. Throughout history, the only proven method to heal the sickness of the soul has been through the touch of the soul maker Himself. The soul maker is Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Brokenness Can Be Beautiful
In his book Broken, Yet Destined To Be Healed Orlando teaches us that brokenness can be beautiful. This all depends on how we look at the hurt we travel through. If we look at brokenness as a bad thing then it will be bad for us. Yet if we look at it through eyes of faith then we will realize that a brokenness place can be most valuable. The truth is that what we believe we will receive. We must therefore believe that even though our wounds may be great, the Love that heals us is greater. The Bible says that God is Love and Love never fails.
As we navigate our broken roads it might be the hardest time to see the good that is being worked out. Yet if we look through eyes of faith we’ll see that God is up to something beautiful. The scripture tell us that all things work together for good to them that love God. This means that regardless of the pestilence we experience, God is able to work a miracle out of us. As Christ marched to the cross He had to endure the greatest pain in history. Not only was the weight of sin on His back but He was also physically crushed. They slashed Him, spat in His face and crowned him with thorns. Yet this did not prevent the greatest comeback of all times. As Jesus endured His cross He received the beauty of resurrection. Consider that what seemed like defeat was victory for us all. How beautiful!
Don't Give Up
On thing you must never do in your brokenness and that is to give up. Giving up should not be an option as you walk your broken road. It doesn’t matter how hard life gets, or the complexity of the brokenness you experience you can never give up. You’ll find that if giving up is not an option then you will keep keeping on.
Many people have battled with life crippling brokenness and have come out more victorious and anointed than before. If we look at Biblical characters we’ll see that brokenness is often a strategy of God. God often uses the most difficult situations to bring out the best in us. Paul was wounded beyond His ability to bear. Yet he found that is his insufficiency God’s grace is sufficient. As Paul was wounded, God brought out the best in Him. We can also look at David and Job as prime examples. All these servants of God had to pass through the valley of the shadow of death, but one thing they never did was to give up.
Maybe your own brokenness has cut you so deeply that is seems as if there is no way out. You’ve probably been marked with indelible scars. Yet no darkness cannot take away the Light of God that ignites us in our weakness. When we are weak He is forever strong. You should be convinced within yourself that there is always a way out. As you walk with God He is the way. You owe it to yourself to keep keeping on and to never give up.
Final Thoughts
Brokenness can make us quite vulnerable, yet it can also put us in the most fluid of positions to be changed. As you become vulnerable know that the healing grace of God is available to you. The Bible says that He is near to the broken hearted. This means that as you hurt His love is near.
Even though brokenness is a prevalent condition that affects us all, there is always hope. Our hope is in the fact that God is the physician of the soul. He eagerly wants to heal us as we trust Him. Don’t Give up. As you hold on you will live to experience the healing of our God. Be Blessed.